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Letter from the Commodore


Fellow Sailors,

We are off to a new club year with the installation of the new board and one Board Meeting under our belts. I can personally say I am proud to be your Commodore, a position I last held in 2009. Although many things have changed since then, much has remained the same.

My goals, as Commodore are;


Build a solid Budget

Determine our current solvency

Work with the board approved accountant to set up Income and Expense Accounts that can reflect real time differentials between Expense vs Income

Special Events, i.e. Spud Cup, J24 Districts, Winter Thaw, financially carry themselves. No deficit spending to support these events.

Create an account specifically for Committee Boat Motor Replacement with an annual amount of 1/4ththe cost of a new motor.

Review Expense Items with the intent on operating on a balanced Budget.


We need to get together more! Let’s have at least two summer parties that COUNT. We used to be better at this.

Respond to the club survey.

Enhance communication using membership emails.

Anyway, that’s it for now.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the get together on November 16 at 5:30 pm at the Matchwood.


Ivan Rimar


Sandpoint Sailing Assoc.

POB 1156, Sandpoint, Id 83864

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